Thursday, June 18, 2009

[Shrek] I Remember When...

After work today Fiona and I were discussing a topic that, now that we've thought about it for awhile, is far more important than any topic you're bound to read about in any newspaper or hear about in any newscast today.

Cracker Jacks were a lot better when we were younger.

I realize times are tough, but how bad is it when there is no longer enough caramel on the popcorn to make your fingers sticky? And are peanuts so expensive that putting more than three or four in the bag causes significant profit loss?

Oh, yeah--and the bag. Cracker Jacks belong in a box and not in a foil bag.

They also managed to make the crappy "prizes" even crappier. Keep your damn tattoos and stickers, I want my magnifying glass back. Yeah, I know, you didn't get a magnifying glass in every box...but you knew you had a chance!!!! And if you were lucky enough to get one, every kid in the neighborhood came around so you could all burn ants with it.

I guess there is a silver lining in all this--there's now no chance PETA will be bothering little kids about killing bugs.

1 comment:

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Cracker Jacks suck now because they sweeten them with High Fructose Corn Syrup.