Friday, January 9, 2009

[Shrek] Who Are You?

A few weeks ago I was browsing through the new CDs at WalMart, and it kind of bothered me that I didn't have any clue who 90% of the artists were. I became a little disheartened when I overheard one of the employees talking to (READ: hitting on) a young lady just down the aisle from me.

"Yeah these guys are real sucks we can't play their music here, we have to play this crap instead. Those old guys just don't rock it anymore"

Now I have no idea what group he was saying he'd rather play, but I know the "old guys" that don't "rock it anymore" were The Who because there was some sort of concert video being played on a couple of the monitors in the electronic area.

Don't rock it anymore? I beg to differ....

My Generation

I Can't Explain

The Kids Are Alright

Who Are You?

Won't Get Fooled Again


CarrieMarie said...

The Who will ALWAYS rock!

The Silver Fox said...

Ahhhhh, yes. The original "Won't Get Fooled Again" contains the greatest rock'n'roll scream ever! (And that's being written by a big-time fan of screamers like Robert Plant and even Ted Nugent.)

Wonder if that clerk will still be doing anything remotely called "rockin' it" when he's in his sixties?