Friday, January 16, 2009

[Fiona] Oh And Did I Mention...

that I am fearful of clowns? Yeah, well stop laughing I am not the only one and let's face it they are beyond spooky. Whenever I tell someone that I don't enjoy clowns I get asked pretty much the same thing. Really? Why not?

The medical term for it is coulrophobia. I don't accept that my phobia is an irrational fear. I don't like people in masks as a rule. Safe to bet I will never be a good bank robber; I couldn't handle the costuming. I just feel that when a person dons a mask or paints over their features that they are really trying to hide their true selves from you. It makes me feel uneasy. Like I can't trust them. I never liked trick or treat. I like the concept(well the candy, ok!?!); I don't enjoy the costumes. Odd because I like the macabre and I like to fancy myself a Goth chick from a way back.

I can remember being a small child in the beginning grades and crying that I didn't want candy. The whole concept of dressing up and begging for junk food from strangers scared the beejezus out of me even back then. I know my fear comes from a neighborhood kid jumping out at me dressed in full costume. I peed myself because I thought he/she was going to hurt me. I didn't like not knowing who my attacker was.

While I am on the subject of things that I don't enjoy let's spend a moment with dolls. They turn my stomach to lifelike and yet not real. I harbor this fear that they will come to life and want me to rescue them.

1 comment:

CarrieMarie said...

Clowns are scary. The only exceptions are Bozo (and I think the voice saved him) and the clowns on The Big Comfy Couch, because their make-up doesn't hide their faces.

The scariest, imo, are mini clown dolls. A friend's mom collects clowns & visiting her house in HS was frightening!