Friday, June 15, 2007

[Fiona] COFFEE

I love coffee. Seriously there is nothing in this world that can give me that warm and fuzzy feeling like a great cup of coffee. Now that I am older I drink half caff so I don't get the ride I once enjoyed from caffeine but it is still my favorite early morning and right after work beverage. I grew up in a household where tea was king. I didn't start to really drink coffee until I began dating my hubby. In those first few dates we couldn't drive by a Dunkin' Donuts without stopping for a cuppa. I would order cocoa or soda but I found them to be disappointing and often more expensive than coffee. One day I tried a cup of that rich, enticing brew and thus began my love affair. I find now that I look forward to the end of the day when I can sit, relax and reflect about things with my friend Mr.Coffee.

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