Thursday, July 30, 2009

[Shrek and Fiona] Theme Thursday 7-30

Well, it's Theme Thursday again, and seeing as we fired the staff after last week's debacle we're on our own to come up with an idea.

Oh, hold on a's "button" and not "butt on"?

Looks like we need a new staff.


Bobbie said...

LMAO!! This one is fun! Cute take on this prompt!!

Anonymous said...

HA! "Butt on"! Just don't hire any of VE's gnomes-LOL!

Alan Burnett said...

Oh, nice one. It's great to discover a fresh approach after so many button tins (my own included).

Tess Kincaid said...

Heehee...I wondered where you were going with this...good one!!

Baino said...

Hahaha. I was so stuck on this one I wish I'd thought outside the square. Well done!

Wings1295 said...

HAH! I was stumped. Good take!

Betsy Brock said...

Nice save...

Brian Miller said...

too funny! nice take on the theme...errr...almost the theme...lmao!

The Silver Fox said...

Kat's right. Several of those shots were appreciated by this malefactor, however "wrong." Don't fire anybody!!!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Well, they ARE great images for the butt-on theme. Congrats. -Jayne

Dot-Com said...

Ha ha, great take on the theme ;-)

Jaime said...

cute take on the theme. nice pictures

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Oh silly! Very cute take!!!
You don't need staff!

Dreamhaven said...

Way to go. Really enjoyed this post