Sunday, April 27, 2008

[Fiona] Overwhelmed

Occassionally I make posts that tie into my other blog. This will be one of those times. I had melt down yesterday. It was over a combination of things. I don't know how Shrek keeps his sense of "come what may" married to me. I get antsy when I feel overwhelmed. Things at work, things at home, my dad, chores, my ongoing weight loss and its separate but equal overwhelming qualities all conspired to push me over the top.

I pace and mutter to myself when I feel stressed. Every single thing I had left to wear in my dresser felt uncomfortable and baggy. Work has been slow and we have had several days of layoff. Gas prices are out of control. Grocery prices are going way up and to be honest I don't know how people with kids do it. I felt like I didn't have the right to go out and buy anything to wear that fit. The more I turned that notion over in my mind the angrier and more frustrated I became. I felt trapped. Irrational I know but hey I never said I made perfect sense, silly.

Shrek asked me what was going on and in true Fiona fashion I danced around the real issue. Shrek is very wise after a few minutes he got up out of his chair and put his strong arms around me and calmed my fears. I went out to our local Target and I am now the proud owner of two pairs of brand new "cheap jeans". All of the clothes that no longer fit me have been bagged up and Shrek and I will be bringing them to a Salvation Army nearby. Sometime in the near future I hope to be at my weight loss goal and spend some time in maintenance land if for no other reason than to just breathe.

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