Wednesday, April 4, 2007

(Fiona) It's a Bitch

I came to a shocking and thought provoking conclusion the other day...I am now in that dreaded category, middle age. Shrek and I were on our way to our local BJ's when a 'sizzling car' went flying by us, music blaring. My first thought was not, "wow, nice ride" but" what an asshole". I found this thinking strange for me but Shrek mirrored my thoughts in spoken words. We are indeed getting older and with it our way of living and thinking are changing. Damn! I wanted to be young forever and now I find that I am 'youth challenged'. I remember the good ole days when I could stay up all night. Now, I can't make it to 10:30 most weekends.

The other thing that I find disturbing ; the clothing. The clothes where I enjoy shopping seem to be for the younger crowd. I can't help but wonder when my taste in clothes changed from new and stylish to comfy and warm? What's next I wonder hot cocoa before bed? Reading glasses?It's a bitch...growing old.

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